Hooks is NOT a state management solution / library.
React has a component based state management solution called component state, unsurprisingly. Hooks are the API with which we consume / use that state management feature/solution.
By the nature of how hooks are architectured, they enable us to use custom hooks with which we could share a state ( which is not necessarily a component state anymore, bye bye Javascript Classes! ) across components.
Because of the above, one might be tempted to think that they are a thing which helps us share global state across our app. Yes, by the virtue of their design, they empower us to do so ( even pipe the data like unix operators ). But it is important to note that, we shouldn’t go wild on sharing app state across components using hooks ( even though a gazillion articles online will title themselves how to replace redux with react hooks, and the like ). Doing that wouldn’t be scalable. Besides when would React Context and Redux Or Mobx do their job ? :D