A Bold React Component

Arihant Verma
2 min readMay 21, 2017


I’m working on a basic alumni search index app using VulcanJS. It uses React. I’m using glamorous for styling. It’s really clean and easy to use. It’s inspired from glamor, which is another very popular css in js solution built by the awesome Mad Scientist Sunil Pai.

I wanted to make a component which basically just takes a bunch of strings, wrap it in an HTML element of choice and bold its text nodes. It seemed easy, but it needs knowledge of some of the fundamentals of React, a thing I never really dived in until now. It’s funny I just kept using it minimally. Only now, when I’m working on something of my own for long in React, I’ve started to learn the better nuances of React. Okay let’s go with the component now.

Following are the strings that I wanted to wrap in a span whose fontWeight is bold.

const labelStrings = new Set([
"Twitter Handle",
"Facebook Profile",
"Linkedin ID",
"Roll No",
"Graduating Year",
"Degree Type",
"Company Or University",

Normally it’s preferrable that you keep your react components in separate modules / files. But in this usecase, in order to be able to make the render method cleaner I made a namespace to store all these similar react components (basically bolded spans).

const LabelComponents = {}; // namespace

Now since I’m wanting a span (and this could be made more generic by passing the type of HTML element in the props itself), I’m wrapping it in a glamorous higher order component (which is just wrapping the bare span tag with fontWeight style), I’m taking a text prop for the textNode of the span, and I’m just returning the styled span. No biggie, all basics.

const BoldSpanComponent = ({text, fontWeight}) => {
const StyledSpan = glamorous.span({
fontWeight: fontWeight
return (
<StyledSpan>{text}: </StyledSpan>

BoldSpanComponent.propTypes = {
text: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
fontWeight: PropTypes.string

Now I’ll loop over the set of strings in the set and return a BoldSpan for each of them and make them sit in a component in the namespace, like so:

for (let label of labelStrings) {// remove the white spaces in the string
const noSpaceLabel = label.replace(/\s/g,'');
LabelComponents[noSpaceLabel] = () => {
return <BoldSpanComponent text={label} fontWeight="bold" />

you can read more on what is \s in regex here.

And now I’m simply using all of them like so:

{user.twitterUsername ?
<LabelComponents.TwitterHandle />
<a href={"http://twitter.com/" + user.twitterUsername}>@{user.twitterUsername}</a>
</li> : null }

{user.services.fbProfileLink ?
<LabelComponents.FacebookProfile />
<a href={user.services.fbProfileLink}>FB Profile Link</a>
</li> : null}

{user.website ?
<LabelComponents.Website />
<a href={user.website}>{user.website}</a>
</li> : null }

<LabelComponents.LinkedinID />
<a href={user.linkedinId}>{user.linkedinId}</a>

<LabelComponents.RollNo />

<LabelComponents.Branch />

<LabelComponents.GraduatingYear />

<LabelComponents.DegreeType />

<LabelComponents.CompanyOrUniversity />

I’m still new to web development, software engineering, best practices, react. You could leave suggestions for improvement of this small component! Thanks for reading!

First Published on my blog:



Arihant Verma
Arihant Verma

Written by Arihant Verma

I write poetry and short fiction. I meditate, code, dance, sing, play 🏀, clean stuff. I’m a non sticky pan to events 🍳.

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